All is fair in love and war!

Day & Time: 27 Jan 2010, around 8PM

Mama,Papa and Namnam are heading back after a nice short drive to a nearby mart.

Namnam: Papa,can you put the ‘train song’ please? I want to hear the ‘train song’.

Mama: Not now,Namnam, we’re about to reach home. You can hear it tomorrow,Ok?

Papa, grabbing this opportunity to rise in his daughter’s expectations, takes out the CD and plays the song.

Needless to say, Namnam shrieks with joy.

And to cash in on the situation even further, Papa asks, ‘Namnam, who do you love more-Mama or Papa?’

Namnam doesnt even take a second to reply,‘ Papa’.

Papa shoots an evil glance(which can be misconstrued as an I-am-innocent smile) at Mama through the rear-view mirror.

Mama shoots back with a wait-till-I-get-a-revenge smile.

Day & Time: 28 Jan 2010, 930AM… real time update.

Mama has baked Namnam’s favorite chocolate cake which she cant wait to serve her when she gets back from school.

Oh, and yes, she cant wait to know what the reply will be when she asks her li’l one, ‘ Namnam who do you love more-Mama or Papa?’

She knows what the answer will be.

And she breaks into an evil laugh…. ‘Papa, I declare war.’ πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ

PS: In case you all are wondering which is the train song, here it is

59 thoughts on “All is fair in love and war!

    1. LOL … we want more war updates πŸ˜› πŸ˜›
      Ha ha .. so this is the train song .. with the PadmaShri uncle πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

      D: Padmashriuncle has one fan in Namnam for sure πŸ˜€


  1. ROTFL!!
    Wicked aren’t you?!! πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

    Namnam is a real cutie!
    Which song is this?
    As usual, videos are blocked at work and I need to go home to see it!!

    D: So,you heard the song,Pix? Lovely song,na!


  2. First come first… I m dying for once to hear “I love my Dad more” from my Son’s mouth… !!!!!!!

    She scolds him, says no to so many things… and yet he always says he loves his mom more… !!!!!!!! never does he say my name… sigh… I can understand what you mean !!!!! 😦

    D: Hriday sure is mama’s boy,huh?? How sweet πŸ™‚

    Really really wonderful song btw !!!!!!! I love it too much !!!

    D: I love the all the songs of this movie! They are classic πŸ™‚


    1. Sgh…hitchy my heartfelt condolences…but think on a postive note…Hriday is one of those great ones who cannot be manipulated by love or food. You can be assured that he will grow up to be a fine young man :mrgreen:


  3. Lol, sweet post. Personally the ‘who do you love more’ was a question banned in my household. Even if that question was asked by extended family or relatives to my kids, it was countered with a firm answer ‘both’ from me. πŸ™‚

    D: I think I’ll have to bring about the same rule in my household too,Shail πŸ˜€ . By the look of it Namnam doesnt seem to be saying what I want to hear πŸ˜†


  4. The most wonderful song ever.!!! My favourtie. Though ‘piyu bole’ is the best song in the movie, this song strikes the heart πŸ™‚ all way loving the story and your blog.

    D: I love all the songs of the movie πŸ™‚


  5. That is so sweet! I have never asked madam that question πŸ™‚

    Waiting to read more ‘war stories’ πŸ™‚ Nammu has a good taste in songs πŸ™‚ Hugs and ummas for Nammukutty on both cheeks please, on my behalf πŸ™‚

    D: yes yes,Smits,both cheeks,now since you’re the official cheek collector πŸ˜€


    1. From here on I name you as “The Cheek Collector” πŸ˜› Maybe I can come up with some short stories for kids with you as the central character…what say Smithu????


      1. Yes,Saksh,thats a good idea..Smits the cheek collector and what will you be-the fainting queen, ‘cos I’m yet to come across a blogger who has fainted as many times as you have in this blogville 😈

        There you faint again!!


  6. namnam is one smart kid …she know how to let her mom dad dance to her tune πŸ˜‰
    Somehow i have this feeling when angel will be big enough to answer this question…she will say”i luv my mom more”…superconfidend mom i m πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    D: Thats the way to go,Rash. I love your confidence πŸ™‚

    and namnam has good choice of too luvd this song


  7. ‘And she breaks into an evil laugh…. β€˜Papa, I declare war.’

    I would love to read more stories of Namnam pl.!

    I love all the songs of Parineetha. This one is so natural, even for Padmashri uncle! He acted well in this movie!

    D: I dont like padmashriuncle one bit,Sandhya! The only movie in which he was tolerable for me was Dil CHahta Hai. I loved the movie,Parineeta,though πŸ™‚


  8. Lol! You are one wicked Mama! πŸ˜›

    D: Look who’s talking,the surprise-killer!! How did your b’day celebration go BTW, mac-nificent I presume πŸ˜€


  9. Wow…I love love your wickedness :mrgreen: …don’t even try to guess the reason ok?? 😳

    Lolz at Namnu kutty’s answer…Mine has become very calculative and diplomatic. Whatever strategy we both apply on our War..the boy always answers “I love you both a 120 times..” Yeah he always answers with numbers 😦

    We want more plzzzzz…..of your war stories πŸ˜†

    Ps: I love all the songs in Parineeta and hums Piya Bole at the top of my voice πŸ˜€


    1. Btw Dipsy…what’s with the date, day and time ❓ effects of reading The Time Traveller’s Wife haan? wonly the age is missing πŸ˜‰

      D: arre haan! I didnt realize that πŸ˜€


      1. Swar I am such an innocent loving mom, wife, sister etc… don’t go by my profile pic :mrgreen:

        D: We go by the looks,Saksh…hum kahi-sunai baaton mei nahi jaate,right Swar?? *evil laugh*


  10. Oooo… I wonder why do parents have such wars. I remember my sis being subjected to this. I dont remember my times for sure. It seems soooooooo silly later hai na πŸ™‚


  11. In my childhood, my dad and mom used to play games like Snakes and Ladders, Ludo with me . These days parents play mind games with their children !! chey chey !!! what has happened to humans !!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


  12. Hi friends,I served Namnam her favorite cake and she did say I love you sooooo much,Mama! The truth is I didnt have the heart to ask the question who she loved more and put her in a dilemma again.

    For now let her pick her Papa and I’ll take solace in the fact that girls always have an extra special connection with their fathers. I know the special bond I share with my father. So I just let her be.

    The weekend has set in and I’ll be offline till saturday.I’ll be back to reply to each one of you on the other side.

    Have a great day πŸ™‚


  13. lol.. so cute !!! .. i think as the daughters get older,they tend to bond more with the mother .. wat say ?

    D: In my case,I had always had different equations with my parents. My mother had been more of a friend to me with whom I could talk all grown-up stuff and my father always made me feel like a child with his pampering πŸ™‚ . And its still the same πŸ™‚


  14. LOL πŸ™‚ I love this war πŸ™‚ Adorable, awesome post!!

    This is an impossible question to answer, I am not surprised the answer changes depending on the bribe, err the moment… I wonder if there is one set of parents in this world who hasn’t asked their kids this question πŸ˜†

    D: I’m just waiting for that right time to score πŸ˜† .I havent given up yet 😈


    1. IHM, you seem to have missed my comment. This question has never been asked by either my husband or I to our kids. And when others asked, either of us stepped in to say ‘both’! I have been left fuming when some people even make suggestions as to whom the child likes. I don’t agree with this point being raised with kids. But then I am from Neptune! πŸ˜‰


  15. LOL !!!

    just read your reply … I would do the same too !!
    too scared to ask that question

    D: I know,VJ! That fear was definitely there πŸ˜€


  16. LOL!!! Namnam farsighted little girl. She chose a song acted on screen by one of the icons of our times πŸ˜€ .

    D: One of the icons,for sure…LOL,Dreamer πŸ˜€


  17. Where’s the part 2 of this story???

    D: I didnt ask Namnam the question at all,Amit. So for now this is it πŸ˜€ .The minute I strike back at R with a vengeance,part 2 will be up πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€


  18. hEY, I am the latecomer as usual…Have been out of the blog field now…lots of reasons, wont bore u with them.
    And looks like u have majorly gone into cooking, all the cookies and cakes and all…
    So finally who is winning at home?!


  19. I think Namanam is the smartest πŸ˜€ muahs for her:D she knows what to say when and to whom..
    meanwhile mom and dad can go on asking the question while lil Namnam counts the goodies:mrgreen: my bro used to be like this πŸ˜€


  20. I love this little cutie Namnam !!! πŸ™‚

    My younger daughter is always a Mama’s pet. But the moment, we go out for dinner, she becomes Dad’s pet for the outing. These kids just know, which side to take and when !!!! πŸ™‚


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