Day 16- Wordless Wednesday

Since words are on an indefinite strike I thought I will go wordless.

Some pictures that I clicked while taking a walk today.

Let me offer you all these views as a thank you, especially to my fellow blogathon-ers, for not letting me give up. For being there. For giving the push. This is what I have loved the most by far about this blogathon. This handholding that binds us, keeping us from tripping. And this is what makes me never give up on blogging ❤

Did I say words were on a strike?! 😉

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Wordless Wednesday

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Because I am pressed for time I am publishing this attempt at the slide-show without even checking if its working fine or no. So if the slideshow is not working please present your brickbats to my tutor Ms.Smitha, and if you can view it fine, well then also you can go to her and offer your bouquets..dont worry, she wont feel bad! :mrgreen:. Either which way she is a sweetheart!! 😀

Have a great week ahead! 🙂