Dear Namnam,

Today is the most memorable day in Amma & Papa’s life.The day when God blessed us,three years back,with the most beautiful and precious angel.You.

Yet it seems like yesterday that you were placed in my arms for the first time.I didnt even know how to hold you properly,yet I knew we were a part of each other and I could never let go of you.I could so hold you close to me for life!

Your Papa & I remember every stage of your life ever since.Your first smile,when you burst into giggles at the mere sight of us making faces at you.When you rolled over for the first time,and then crawled in the next stage,to reach every nook and corner of the house.When you learnt to stand up unaided,then walk and then run as though theres no stopping you.

Our happiness had no bounds when you addressed us ‘Amma’ & ‘Papa’ for the first time.You began to pick up more and more words,eventually amaze us by rattling off in sentences.Now,however,the situation is such that we have to be always on guard while conversing around or with you lest you pick up any wrong word!

The last one year,especially,has seen you become more expressive,more emotive,more aware of your surroundings.You run to us with hugs & kisses galore for no rhyme or reason.Although,occasionally,we have to tempt you with chocolates,your favourite Barney series,or a visit to the kiddie-zone,so that you shower us with extra doses of kisses!

You love to dress up like use my scarf to wrap around like a skirt.There have been times when you’ve tried to apply lipstick with your crayons and I’ve watched,oblivious to you of course,in wonderment at your observation.You’ve even made me wonder if becoming a beautician is what you have in mind by indulging in something like this.

‘Sorry’ was one word that you took the longest to grasp in your early stages.But now the very same word is what you use the most often.Each mischief of yours is suffixed by a ‘Sorry,mama,I’ll not do it again’!

You are also in the process of getting into the ‘tell-me-why’ phase where you have to question anything that catches your attention.

Namnam,today,when you’ve already taken your first few steps towards making your own mark in life,Papa & I would like to tell you a few things.

You may face many challenges on the way.Dont shirk from them,face them head on.Make your mistakes,and learn from them.You may even fall,but rise must you,even stronger.Know your mind.If you know you are right,stick to it.And if you know others are wrong,be known that you have every right to question them,even if they are your own parents.We will always guide you through the right path,however be assured that you will have all the freedom to make your own choices.Shape yourself the way you want to.Its not just your right,but your duty.

Molu,always know one thing,your Papa&I love you the most in the world.We are proud of you and always will be.

Happy Birthday,Ponnukutty!

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My Precious little

45 thoughts on “Dear Namnam,

  1. Happy 3rd Birthday, Nammu chakkara! Eat Cake, pop balloons, wear a princess dress and have the best birthday!

    Ummmas from Peanut.

    NAMNAM: Thank you,Peanut..thats a lovely greeting!Ummas & hugs to you & Soliloauntie too πŸ™‚


  2. Happy Birthday Namnam

    NAMNAM: Thank you so much πŸ™‚

    That was really very sweet. Hope she reads it when she grows up and understands how much her parents love her.
    I really loved that line where u said “make your own mistakes and learn” absolutely, thats how a person grows.

    D: So true Nazish.I’ve always believed more than learning from other’s mistakes,its so important that you make your own and then become wiser πŸ™‚

    I wish Namnam all the very best in future…god bless her!!

    D: Thank you,Nazish πŸ™‚


  3. Awww….

    Happy Birthday Namnam! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Very sweet and bautiful post

    Here’s wishing you all the very best for a fantastic future, little one! πŸ™‚

    hugs and ummas to Namnam!

    NAMNAM: Thank you so very much,Pixieauntie…hugs and ummas to you too and do pass on some to Swaramauntie too when you meet her πŸ˜€


  4. Birthday ummas and hugs to our darling Nammukutty from Ammamma and Ammchu. When u grow up and read all these posts and comments, my precious darling, u should know how much u matter to all of us and how ardently we wish u to be happy under all circumstances. Always believe in yourself and keep scaling heights of glory nammukutta!Our love, care and prayers will be with u at every step and turn in ur life. Umma Umma Umma

    NAMNAM: Thank you,ammamma & ammachan…off to give you both ummas rightaway πŸ™‚


  5. Avery happy birthday to the sweetest molu!muaaaaaaah are you having a blast in Delhi Namnam?GodBles, you have the greatest mom ever!!

    NAMNAM: Thank you,Sujata auntie…mmmmuaaah!Yes am having a blast here in Delhi and waiting to gobble up the sadya that my Ammamma is preparing for us today πŸ˜€


  6. Happy birthday kutty papa,god bless you.

    Your friends varunavi and pinkuda are wishing you happy bday.

    Hugs and muahs to the darling πŸ™‚ Have a great day πŸ™‚

    NAMNAM: Thank you Varunavi,Pinkuda & Saritha auntie…hugs & muahs to you too πŸ™‚



    NAMNAM: Thank you,Manisha auntie πŸ™‚

    @ DEEPS….. i rmbr you telling me about the procedures you had to go through, the problems and the anxiety you had to face before conceiving Namya. i suppose it was all God’s way of making you understand how precious a baby is and how much meaning she adds to your life. Most of all you understand the true meaning of “unconditional love”. Your post was intentionally so or otherwise, but it did express exactly your gratitude towards almighty for making you the most blessed thing in this world ….a MOTHER…!! what i felt was, thru your post you have thanked god for giving you this blessing……! And that is one thing that every mother does every moment …..! Thank you for putting that down so beautifully….!

    D: Awww.that was so wonderfully said,Manisha! Thank you ever so much πŸ™‚ HUGS!


  8. That s a wonderful post Deeps !!!!

    Happy birthday to the lil one !!!!!!!!

    thats for her… !!!!!

    D:Hitchy,just for this one day,will you not be my son,instead be my brother? Namnam would like to thank her Dhirumaama for the lovely greeting πŸ™‚


  9. Happy birthday to Namnam Paappa! Many many happy returns of the day and Be Happy Always! God bless you!

    NAMNAM:Thank you,Sandhya auntie πŸ™‚

    Nice, post, Deeps!
    D: Thank you:)


  10. Hey Hi..Happy birthday to Namnam! Lots and lots of hugs and kisses from all of us. May God bless you with everything that you cherish in life!

    Yash and Ayshani, Rekha and Raj.

    D: Thank you so so so much,Yash,Ayshu,Rekha & Raj!Hugs & kisses have been passed duly:)


  11. Happy B’day Namnam (well belated). I hope you had lots of fun and emptied your parents pockets. Way to go girl!!! Hope all your dreams of becoming a beautician comes true. Hugs and kisses!

    NAMNAM: No,SJ akka,you’re not wished me right on time πŸ™‚ Thanks a ton..I knew you’d understand my inclination towards all things beautiful πŸ˜‰ hugs & kisses to you too!

    Ps- You can call me SJ akka πŸ˜›


  12. wish her the happiest bday ever !!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ and also make her read this post once she is all big big !! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    D: Thank you so much,Vimmuu…I’m yet to know though if she will be keen to read this post…in all probability she may have a ‘ende ammaede oru senti-talk..phew!!’ expression πŸ˜› πŸ˜€


  13. Dear naatukari – thankalude makalku ee naatukarante vaka sneham niranja bday wishes πŸ™‚

    D: Dear naattukara,tankalude pirannal aashamsakal ende makalkku ariyichirikkunu…nandi,valare valare nandi! πŸ™‚

    On another note, a very well written post – almost like a poetry πŸ™‚

    D: Thank you so much,Suji..glad you liked it πŸ™‚


  14. That was such a sweet post, Deeps! Am really really late here. So sorry.

    D:Arre!dont be,Smits…I knew you had gone on a holiday,re.So….how was the getaway??

    First of all hugs and ummas for the gorgeous birthday girl!

    She will love to read this when she grows up.. It is so full of your love for her.

    D:Hope she does πŸ™‚

    Am so delighted that Namnam had a wonderful time! Pics please πŸ™‚ waiting to see the sweetie pie on her special day. By the way – Poohi wanted to wish her too. I told her yesterday was Namnam’s birthday πŸ™‚ so an extra Belated wish and ummas from Poohi and me πŸ™‚


    1. D:Awwww….my poohimol!Thank you,Kunju :).

      Smits,Namnam’s day was already made extra special when you & Poohi wished her a day in advance πŸ™‚

      Hugs & ummas from Namnam to you & Poohi πŸ™‚


  15. Sweetheart Namnam!!!! Birthday wishes from Crafty!!!!!

    hope u have an awesome year and make ur amma n papa happy and proud of u!

    don’t grow up too soon okie??? take ur time u princess!!!

    and here’s what i will keep for u till we meet –

    and this:

    Loads or ummas and hugssss!!!! have added ur name to my blog cupcake section too! amma is naughty and forgetful to have not told crafty till now!!! but i have it up now!!!!


    NAMNAM: Thank you thank you so much,craftydi(I’m taking the liberty of calling you ‘di’,ok? πŸ™‚ ).I loved the gifts.Please do keep them safe for me till we meet..I cant wait to wear the two clips and flaunt them around! Hugs & Ummmmmas and lots of ummas from me πŸ™‚


  16. Dear Deepti, That is a piece of your heart which I have just read. I am sure Namnam had a super birthday on 19th, I has sent an SMS to teacher, she must have passed on my wishes to dear Namnam.
    God bless her, always.
    warm regards

    D: Thank you so much,Rekha!It was lovely talking to you πŸ™‚


  17. Cutie-pie Nammu, wish u a very very happy birthday πŸ™‚
    May God bless u and may u hv a wonderful life always dear πŸ™‚

    NAMNAM: Thank you,Swaram auntie πŸ™‚

    Sorry for the late wishes Sweety .. just got busy πŸ˜›

    Have a gr8 time πŸ™‚

    Grandma’s post on Nammukutty ws very very sweet too πŸ™‚


  18. Oh Shweety…wish u a very very happy birthday. You are blessed to have such wonderful parents. May God keep you blessed and happy and content always.

    Deeps, your post brought tears to my eyes. Our children are indeed our most most most precious!

    D: Pal,you said the most beautiful thing..our children are our most precious! Thank you so much πŸ™‚


  19. First time commenting here; came here bloghopping. I loved reading some of your posts. Happy birthday to your little Namnam πŸ™‚

    D: Welcome here,Lakshmi πŸ™‚ . Thank you for your wish.


  20. WOW…

    This has to be one of your best posts!!! πŸ™‚

    Happy belated bday to namnam. sorry I was away so missed a few important milestones.

    D: Thank you,Masood πŸ™‚ How was Eid?

    Brilliantly expressed, Deeps. I was reading and continued to read in amazement. Your advice to namnam is so apt. Dont mind if a few yrs down the line, I may copy-paste it for Ibrahim πŸ™‚ Don’t blow the horn then, OK? πŸ˜‰

    D: deal,Masood..I’ll need my royalty,though πŸ˜‰


  21. Ohhh a very happy bday to the lil princess! Belated as always! 😦 Lots and lots of love and here`s wishing you guys lots of years of togetherness ahead. Hope you`re having a fab vacation at home!

    D: Thank you so much,Mish…hope you have sorted out all your obligations and feeling better now?!We’re having a fabulous vacation indeed πŸ™‚


  22. A beautiful, beautiful post Deep!!! And I am reading it so late 😦

    A very Happy Birthday to dearest Namnam!! No doubt this is the most memorable day in Namnam’s Amma and Papa’s life.

    My hugs and blessings to ‘the most beautiful and precious angel.’ Loved her mom’s beautiful post on her birthday!

    D: Thank you so very much,IHM πŸ™‚ . I’m glad you liked the post,it means a lot to me πŸ™‚ . Have passed on your hugs & blessings to Namnam.
    My page still doesnt update on your blogroll,does it,IHM?? 😦


  23. Ohh a very very belated happy bday to namnu kutty. When was the actual date? Sep 19th? Want to add it so that I will never ever forget it again πŸ™‚ So namnu kutty had all the fun she could have?

    D: Yes,Saksh,her b’day falls on 19th.I told you she shared her sun sign with your son πŸ™‚

    U know It’s so sweet of mama to talk senti like this about you. One day when you grow up and read this at first you will smile, then after a few years when you are all 10, you will think what a senti mom you have and then when you have your own little family you will know what a great mom you have πŸ™‚

    NAMNAM: Sakshidi,its so so sweet of you to have said that.My ma has been waiting to have you over here on this page and now she feels it has been well worth the wait πŸ™‚

    May you find all the joy in life and god bless you little princess

    NAMNAM: Thank you so much πŸ™‚

    Psst psst…You can call me Sakshi di if you are planning to call SJ akka πŸ™‚

    NAMNAM: I did already πŸ™‚


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