Day14: Need

Now this one is a toughie.

When I saw this prompt, the first answer that cropped in my mind was- sleep. Oh yeah I love to sleep and am forever in need to catch a wink or two. When Namnam wanted to know what the topic for today was, so she could help me get an idea, she too suggested sleep as her first option. Hah! My daughter knows it too where my basic needs lie πŸ˜€

Namnam clicked this on one friday while I was in snooze-land and she was in a mood to fiddle with our camera!
Namnam clicked this on one Friday while I was in snooze-land and she was in a mood to fiddle with our camera!

Then I thought of holiday, another one of those ‘needs’. A holiday where I can just laze around, with no worries of catering to the daily grind. A holiday where I can relax, take a break from the heat that has already begun to show its searing face here. A place like this..

Oh I need snow too! Sigh!
Oh I need snow too! Sigh!

Since both the above needs seem like a distant possibility to me at the moment, I am going to make do with something that I can certainly make happen- a glass of ice tea to beat the heat!


Need anyone? πŸ™‚

Part of

17 thoughts on “Day14: Need

  1. Commenting on your blog at 3 in the morning…..well you can clearly see that somebody ought to give Chloroform and put me to sleep πŸ˜₯

    Oh I like Ice Tea…the only kind of tea I like πŸ™„

    PS: I am sure you were expecting comments for that first pic? you know like some nut case telling you “Sleeping Beauty”???? :mrgreen:


    1. Sandhya, she didnt realise that she had taken this pic of me until I showed it to her last evening! Started laughing when she saw it! πŸ™‚


  2. LOL @ you and your daughter thinking of the same ‘need’.

    LOVE the second pic. It’s gorgeous. What place is that?

    What I need desperately now is a peaceful, relaxed vacation, in a very serene place, with no sightseeing and no crowds around us.


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