Day 23- The art of saying NO


Babies are exposed to this two letter puny word from the time they learn to crawl! When they crawl at break-neck speed to get hold of that dear beloved mobile phone of their mums and dump it in the trash can; or run to the kitchen and pull a jar of flour out of the shelf and topple it over themselves ; or keep dropping a spoon or a fork or coaster or a book down each time their parents pick it up for them; or find a pebble  fascinating enough to take it straight to their mouth, the one word that warrants an instant reaction is NO. The word that reverberates through their growing up years.  And that becomes one of the first words they learn to say. NO.

And just when they learn, they grow up. And then they are told entirely otherwise. Never to say no.  To always offer a hand of help, even when they can sense that they are being taken for a ride.

How ironic is that!